Date :samedi 26 juin 1999 02:50
here, … every language mixed!!
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Rencontres ED'A
Des nouvelles de la rencontre d'été
via brigitte, avec qques commentaires...
(d'apres le bulletin ...):
the english (short) version is at the end...
but everybody ought to read it... because this is not a translation and... I'm too lazy today to do more..
we hope than most of our friends know the "enfants d'abord " (french unschoolers...)
and we are sure that everybody knows the LLL (because we notice that generaly it's the begining of the whole adventure!!!)
on both subjects yahoo, or alta vista will say you that you need
in french you can read about education ... roger's website:
and about the paris network... cath's pages at
bon rencontres d'été
plein de travail, de discussions, d'echanges sur les pratiques de chacun/e/
presque toutes les langues sont admises meme si le francais est tres present... mais peut etre pourrons nous nous adapter... je dis ca pour nos amie/e/s anglophones... qui connaissent deja ma facilité a utiliser leur langue (aussi, selon ma devise, mal et vite...)
bon place aux infos..
dates: du 21 au 28 aout, AG le jeudi 26,
lieu: Argelès (près de Perpignan)
camping Equinoxe (04 68 81 00 21)
route du littoral
prix: environ 35F/pers -17 pour les enfants-
1260F en caravane.
pour ceux que cela passionne ... il semble que les bons caf soient acceptés..
peut etre aussi pourrons nous recidiver en trouvant/creant un traveller's camp pres de la mer comme les possesseurs de camions le faisait a vias?...
au fait je crois qu'il y a une /des plages naturistes vers argeles... une bonne piste pour ceux qui le souhaitent? (en general, l'ambiance y est plus detendue, et assez chaleureuse...)
300F de reservation pour camping
cheque a enfants d'abord
une photo par personne pour la carte de piscine
les tel des autres campings proches ( ou il reste des places aussi en bungallow)
reservations directes ou cheque de 600 f a arnaud..
04 68 81 17 74 littoral
04 68 81 12 09 la marende
04 68 81 14 48 le soleil
office du tourisme
04 68 81 15 85
unschoolers summer meeting
"les enfants d'abord"
(kids first!, but in fact it's the title of a christiane rochefort's book!)
as each summer l'eda manage a 'big' meeting (ok I know: small is beautiful..)
it's open to everybody with an interest in the field of 'open' education and unschooling..
the place:
a camping area in argeles, not far from perpignan in the deep south of our country…
this week stands ... just after autognomes meetings (this week ... in durban, millepattes castle, the festival of film of resistances,- tarascon upon arriege!- (same area..)
and a lot of other meetings just before the eco villages one in 'espace du possible' at meschers in gironde.. at the end of august…) and ... I forget maloka (dijon, beginning of july) and a lot of nice other places as longo in the beginning of august too..) if some one has enough energy to write a good calendar… and if s/he mail me his/her work…
I think that place and prices are understandable even by our english speaking friends so please look… up!
there are, too, some other places not far from the meeting place and phone numbers for accommodation if "equinoxe" became full..
the language of most of the people is the french one, but a lot families are able to speak english too.. so your are welcome… and we can follow to discuss with my well known way of using my poor and easy english as you know my motto is always … quick 'nd dirty … (and once again you get a demo with this mail!).
if enough people are ok… the last years families with vans tried to organize a wild "traveler's camp" just near the official one.. contact us…
so write soon to arnaud (for accomodation), come, ask, enjoy!…
(if any question more, for faster answers, write , with copy to jennifer: , and brigitte ).
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